G+D Filia® Unplugged: Facilitates secure offline digital payments
In today’s fast-paced digital economy, connectivity issues and rural areas can often raise challenges for digital payment transactions. G+D Filia® Unplugged enables a seamless and resilient payment experience – even when users are offline.
As we move towards an increasingly digitized world digital payments continue to surge in importance, transforming financial transactions at an unprecedented speed. To fully optimize the convenience and effectiveness of online payment methods, it makes sense to consider incorporating offline capabilities as well, especially in today's ever-advancing technological landscape.
How G+D Filia® Unplugged works:
An offline digital payment involves the transfer of digital tokens between devices without connection to a ledger system being required. The user can easily download digital money tokens onto a hardware wallet such as a smart card, a SIM card, or any other Secure Element (SE) on their phone. This allows them to make payments even without internet or telecommunications connectivity.
G+D Filia® Unplugged at a glance:
- Makes it possible to complete consecutive offline digital payments, even when both the payer and the payee are offline
- Can be used in a variety of scenarios such as peer-to-peer payments between individuals and payments at merchants
- Works with a diverse range of wallet form factors
- Easily integrated into existing payment systems such as such as retail CBDC, commercial banks’ tokenized deposit systems, IPS and MoMo systems
- User-friendly, even for less tech-literate people
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