G+D Magazine
A man holding a smartphone in one hand and a payment card in the other, ready to make a digital transaction.
Financial Platforms

We orchestrate payment and banking experiences

The once-distinct boundaries between physical and digital customer journeys are increasingly converging and now extend into the world of payments and banking. Trust needs to evolve along the way – without making everyday financial transactions more complicated. As a technology leader for card and digital payments, we combine secure payment technology and trusted software that take the complexity out of financial services.

Shopping, payments, and banking have seamlessly integrated into the digital realm, reshaping how consumers interact with financial services. They demand exceptional user experiences as a given. However, striking a balance between security and convenience is crucial. In this respect, the demand for secure payment technology and trusted software has never been greater. 

To lead in this competitive market, stakeholders in the financial ecosystem need to work together to  deliver experiences that are secure, seamless, sustainable, and accessible.

What sets G+D apart

Within our Trusted Software business, Netcetera, our proven global banking and payment expertise spans from physical and digital currencies to card and digital payments. As a leading provider for secure financial platforms, more than 5000 banks and issuers worldwise trust our expertise. We provide payment technology and services to eight of the top ten financial institutions worldwide.

In the digital age, we orchestrate real world banking and payment experiences with human-centric security technology. We create a contemporary customer journey from onboarding and authentication solutions over card issuance; from digital banking to a smooth checkout in eCommerce. Beyond those, our offerings empower banks to fulfill their ESG commitments. 

Our offering

Our offering of payment technology and trusted software covers the whole consumer journey from onboarding, registration, authentication to digital banking services and wallets. Beyond banking and payments, our broad portfolio also includes business-critical software for mobility, health and publishing.   

Close up of a person typing on a keyboard of a notebook

Trusted Software

We serve the growing demand for smooth and secure consumer journeys. Within highly secure and regulated environments like finance, health, or mobility, we empower our clients to outpace competition.

Photo of a woman holding her payment card to a payment device

Payment Technology

As a one stop shop, we produce and personalize hundreds of millions of payment cards every year. We are a payment technology leader, creating contemporary physical and digital customer experiences.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our end-to-end business solutions or about our SecurityTech company, seek expert advice, or want to give us your feedback, our team is here to support you, anytime.