Digital Security
Whether in the realms of IoT connectivity, identity technology, or digital infrastructures: safeguarding our interconnected world requires a thoughtful approach that ensures security without compromising accessibility and user-friendliness. We explore what digital security means in times of technological advancement.
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What is a digital identity ecosystem?
A digital identity ecosystem guarantees trusted and integrated services in the digital age. Discover why it is necessary and what makes it possible.
Massive IoT systems
Automation, AI, machine learning, and networks are set to greatly expand the number of massive IoT devices. Can long-standing security issues be overcome?
Enabling disaster relief teams with pop-up comms
Natural disasters demand fast, coordinated responses. But when local networks are knocked out, how can emergency teams access vital comms capabilities?
Enhancing legal identities with digital technologies
Digital complements to identity documents are making our lives easier, from crossing borders to engaging with eGovernment.
How green is your ePassport?
Green passports, greener travel: how the identity industry can pave the way to a more sustainable future.
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