It’s still something of a mystery as to what pandemic-inspired behavioral changes are here to stay, but studies reveal some trends. Banking app use has increased, with 50% of consumers using an online banking app or website at least once a week, up from 32% in 2018.1 At the same time, trust in banks has declined.2 In 2018, 51% of consumers trusted banks with data, compared with 37% in 2020. And one study shows that physical bank branches are still very much in demand, despite increased global digitalization.3
There’s a lot to consider. Cardholders want to embrace a digital experience while being able to visit a branch. They want a holistic user experience that means being able to access their account securely and easily wherever they are. Success in banking today means more than creating customer-friendly branches. It means adopting a dynamic phygital strategy while staying cost-effective. How can that mix be achieved?