G+D Magazine
A modern robot with the inscription 'Automation Machine'

More insights into Intelligent Automation Solutions

Hall with conveyor belts transporting NotaTray loading modules

Cash cycle standardization is efficient and brings environmental gains

Standardizing transport units can have a big impact in sustainability and efficiency as it has a positive impact on everything from automation to storage costs.

Behind the window pane of a high-rise building stands a red machine on wheels with the G+D Currency Technology logo

Rwanda case study: optimization through integration

Integration allows vulnerabilities to be transformed into optimization potential. The first fully automated vault-management system in Rwanda proved that a holistic, integrated approach is the most reliable way to maximize operational excellence and security long into the future.

Small shreds of shredded banknotes fall in a pile

The importance of banknote destruction

In the same way that “what goes up must come down,” banknotes that are securely produced must also be securely destroyed. Banknote destruction is a crucial element of the cash cycle, because it ensures that banknotes that are no longer fit for circulation are removed from the cash cycle – for good.

A man in a suit uses a fountain pen to operate a digital display with diagrams

In an era of efficiency, automation is the only way forward

Intelligent automation solutions increase efficiency both within cash centers and in logistics and transportation across the cash cycle. Standardization and integration with software ensure that processes are optimized, now and in the future.

Illustration of globe with continents made of lawns

Reducing waste isn’t a one-man-show

True sustainability in the cash cycle can only be achieved through systemic, collaborative change. New innovations that can be used across the entire value chain, such as the NotaTrays, take a significant step towards waste reduction in the currency industry.

Insight into the cash center of Geldservice Austria Logistik für Wertgestionierung und Transportkoordination GmbH, GSA for short.

Efficiency and security in a box

The G+D NotaTray® at GSA and LOOMIS in Austria. The crucial component for greater automation, efficiency, and security in the cash cycle: “The vision of cash processing without manual intervention moves a great deal closer”.

Close up of hands of conductor with baton

From data to service with software

Specialized software can be used to control and monitor cash center processes in a targeted manner. That’s why software is like a “conductor for cash processing". The following is a discussion of the “automation and data analytics harmony” that will soon be making cash center management more efficient and easier to plan.

NotaTray®, green plastic boxes, for automation through standardization in cash centers

Smart automation out of the box

Automation through standardization in cash centers is a top priority for central banks and commercial operators. The NotaTray®, a green plastic box, has the potential to change not only the world of cash centers radically, but also the entire cash cycle.

A stack of banknotes compactly packed with foil on a conveyor belt

Cash processing – the cash bundle as a service

Central and commercial banks are increasingly outsourcing cash processing. The example of the Central Bank of Brazil highlights the benefits of the service.

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