G+D Magazine
A diverse group of people having a conversation in a meeting room

We create trust

G+D secures the essential values of the world with security technology that creates trust. This is a great responsibility that we are aware of. And it also means that our business success is based on acting trustworthily, with integrity and responsibility. The area of governance therefore plays a special role within our sustainability strategy. The principles of good corporate governance and compliance with national and international laws and guidelines form the basis for trusting cooperation with our customers. In our compliance and data protection management system and the G+D Code of Conduct, we anchor integrity and lawful conduct in our business and our business relationships.

Our Code of Conduct

The G+D Code of Conduct “Acting Responsibly” applies to the management board, executives and employees of all G+D Group companies. Over 100 colleagues from the global G+D family have contributed to the development of our current Code of Conduct. It is based on our corporate values: innovative, reliable, collaborative. 

Infographic G+D code of conduct

Integrity and Compliance

Our goal is to maintain and strengthen the trustworthiness of G+D. Responsible leadership and the integrity of all employees play a decisive role in this. Our Group-wide compliance management system (CMS) is designed to ensure that we comply with laws and internal company requirements, identify risks and problems, and investigate violations of rules. Our CMS follows the triad of prevention, detection, reaction: possible violations of applicable anti-corruption and antitrust law provisions are prevented, violations that have occurred are detected and, if necessary, appropriate measures are taken to punish and prevent them in the future. Concerns can also be reported anonymously via our whistleblower tool. You can find out more on our compliance pages.

Infographic G+D integrity

Human rights and responsible supply chains

Group of professionals working in front of a whiteboard

Respect for and protection of human rights are one of our core values and are part of responsible corporate governance for us. In our Code of Conduct, we commit ourselves to complying with nationally and internationally applicable principles and standards. These include the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It is our aspiration that human rights are upheld in all our Group companies and are also observed by our suppliers. Our goal is to identify, remediate, or minimize human rights risks in our supply chain. In doing so, we not only follow the legal requirements, but also our own understanding of values. You can find out more about the G+D Human Rights Strategy policy statement here.
In order to give employees, as well as external third parties, the opportunity to point out violations of applicable laws or guidelines, we offer a web-based whistleblowing tool that whistleblowers can use to submit reports anonymously and communicate anonymously with the responsible office at G+D.

Digital Responsibility

Digital responsibility is the reflection of corporate responsibility in an increasingly digitalized world. As a SecurityTech company, our mission is to create trust in the digital age. To this end, we offer our customers products and solutions that enable them to digitize responsibly. Based on this mission, we also shape our internal processes, our business activities and relationships. 

Privacy by Design und Privacy by Default: 

Data protection through technology design and privacy-friendly default settings are omnipresent in the development of our products and services as well as in the ongoing data processing process throughout the entire life cycle . This way, we meet the requirements of the GDPR right from the start.

Responsible digitalization for our customers

With our products and services, we help our customers to operate securely in the digital space. The high security and data protection standards of our products and services enable our customers to offer secure digital solutions and services, protect sensitive data and meet legal requirements with regard to data protection. In doing so, we work on central interfaces between the analogue and digital worlds and secure this transition.

A man in a medical laboratory operates a tablet
Card production

We fully meet the high demands of our customers in terms of data protection and data security. Above all, however, we guarantee a high level of security and privacy protection with our SIM cards, payment transaction cards and smart health cards through secure authentication.

A colleague and a female colleague stand together in the office and lively discuss
Managed Services

With our managed services we meet the high demands of our customers in terms of protecting their data against unauthorized access and misuse as well as compliance with data deletion. To do this, we use security technologies and trustworthy software that enable digital services conveniently and securely. 

Cybersecurity Solutions

From readily available products to specific consulting services, we offer tailor-made solutions specifically for areas with special security requirements such as cloud, IoT, eGovernment, biometrics and eHealth.  

A man on a sunny beach looks into the camera with biometric scan data intricately displayed on his face and the backdrop.

Identity management is an important topic. Our comprehensive digital portfolio of products and services for financial platforms offers users privacy in privacy-oriented environments, with Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI). SSI gives them back control over their identity and ensures faster, secure and trustworthy digitization. 

A man shows his board card on his smartphone
Protect user data with AI

Our privacy-compliant AI solutions protect user data and ensure data sovereignty. A key technology here is federal learning – an innovative approach to machine learning. For example , a healthcare provider can provide patient data to train a new AI-powered device to diagnose cancer – while ensuring complete privacy for that patient data. 

Data Protection at G+D

Symbolic image of data protection

A core element of digital responsibility is the responsible handling of data. That is why we are particularly committed to data protection and data security – both with regard to internal data, e.g. of employees, and especially with regard to data entrusted to us by customers or business partners. 

For example, we were the first company in Germany to achieve the "Gold Standard" in data protection: Our Binding Corporate Rules, the binding internal data protection regulations, have been recognized by the authorities both as an independent data processor and as a processor on behalf of customers. Regular audits ensure compliance with the Binding Corporate Rules.   

We have established a global data protection management system, the aim of which is to implement uniform data protection and data security standards throughout the Group. You can find out more on our data privacy and security pages.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our end-to-end business solutions or about our SecurityTech company, seek expert advice, or want to give us your feedback, our team is here to support you, anytime.