Printworks: maximize productivity with advanced analytics
Information is power. By using the latest in big data analytics and advanced analytics, our software suite offers new levels of quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness to printworks operations.
Reducing costs, while continuously improving quality and efficiency, is a key goal for printworks. Especially when addressing topics of waste reduction, error identification, and fault prevention. G+D, as a global leader in the digitalization of the currency industry, has developed a software suite to help printworks better manage their operations and maximize productivity. Its end-to-end, modular solutions bring together thousands of data points and use sophisticated analytics tools to enable printworks to improve performance, cut wastage, and reduce unnecessary expenses. For example, users can set and securely monitor a range of KPIs, such as banknote quantity and machine stoppages, while also learning where processing faults originate, to optimize their operations and expediently resolve outstanding issues.
Our software solutions also offer users access to improved documentation, data-driven insights, security, and real-time visibility, within an intuitive, scalable IT environment. Moreover, on account of their modular nature, the solutions can be hosted on-premise or in the cloud, granting printworks secure access to information, while seamlessly integrating into their existing systems, processes, and workflows.
Integrated software solutions for printworks

Compass LUNA
Optimize banknote production operations with this data-rich software that reduces errors and reduces wastage.
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